Find turn-key quantum computing cables for your superconducting qubits
Delft Circuits’ multichannel cables with integrated components offer a practical solution for enhancing the scalability of superconducting quantum computers. Our cables boast a low heatload per channel and an optimized distribution of attenuators, low pass filters, and infrared filters for optimal noise reduction, all directly embedded in the cable. The reduced number of connectors and inherently efficient thermalization ensures the robust and reliable solution within the quantum computing industry.
Delft Circuits provides full I/O solutions to facilitate seamless connections between any control electronics stack at room temperature and superconducting quantum processors at 10 mK. We deliver turn-key cryo I/O systems, emphasizing ease of maintenance and compatibility. Contact Delft Circuits for a grounded and realistic approach to advancing your quantum computing capabilities.
Why pick Delft Circuits for your superconducting qubits?
- More channels in the same space
- Minimising active & passive thermal load
- Integrated filtering in flex
- Minimal points of failure
- Tested and approved by leading customers
- In-house production with strict quality control
- Full cycle service, design, installation, maintenance
- Quantum cabling experts at your disposal
- Turn key i/o solutions

Quantum computers with superconducting qubits require a lot of different signals to be sent and received from the chip. Also in the intermediate steps from room temperature to the chip, signal filtering is required. Cri/oFlex is designed specifically for this application and therefor tailored exactly to these specific needs. Below we show an overview of a typical superconducting qubit quantum computer with the different i/o lines going from and to the chip.
See below what products we offer to handle a system like this and also take a look at our platform overview to see how these cables can be integrated into your system.

This schematic showcases I/O connections to a quantum processor with four superconducting qubits and three couplers. Black lines depict multichannel Cri/oFlex® CF3-Ag cables with integrated components, and blue lines represent our superconducting multichannel CF3-SCON cables. Other colors are for visual separation.
Delft Circuits
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2627 AN Delft
Schieweg 15A