Quantum Applications
In which quantum fields are we active?
Building quantum systems requires a well-functioning and properly designed I/O system. At Delft Circuits, we realized that this is as much about great cables as about system engineering. Whereas our Cri/oFlex® technology and products are focused on great cables, we introduce i/o solutions focused on specific applications. These solutions require a thorough understanding of the I/O requirements for each application combined with our system engineering skills.
As Delft Circuits we make sure our customers can focus on their quantum systems instead of worrying about wiring. We have developed application specific solutions for:
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Tunnel barrier and Plunger gate, also called Fast, lines used to deliver the high-frequency signal to the qubits. Learn more about how to switch to flexible RF wiring for input lines.
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Image used courtesy of Qutech
Bias and Read-out lines in a multi-channel flexible cabling realization are transforming the accessibility and scalability of photon detection.
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Image used courtesy of NASA JPL
MKIDs, and TES detectors are crucial in astrophysics. Learn what Cri/oFlex® can do for your application
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Image MKIDs, and TES detectors