Flexible cryogenic wiring for Single Photon Detection experiment
Filippo Martinelli Doctoral Student at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Delft Circuits Cri/oFlex® wiring is helping to bring Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detectors to the next
From lab to fab in 12 months
Sal Jua Bosman, CEO – founder Delft Circuits Exciting News: From Lab to Fab in 12 months I think that, by now, the world has
BICEP Project in Antarctica for NASA
Download the whole case study here! Delft Circuits Chosen by NASA JPL Scientists to Support BICEP Project in Antarctica Delft Circuits proudly announces its inclusion
Cri/oFlex® validated in Bluefors system
With years of product development and beta-testing with key players in the field of quantum computing, Delft Circuits for the first time publishes public benchmark
ImpaQT 18 April 2024 | Delft, the Netherlands ImpaQT UA Appoints New Leader to Accelerate Development of Quantum Computing by Fostering a Collaborative Ecosystem ImpaQT
DTXL invests DTXL invests in quantum scale up Delft Circuits in round of 6.3 M€
Scale up Delft Circuits is a high-tech supplier in the emerging quantum industry. Its unique cabling platform Cri/oFlex® uses thin flexible superconducting circuits for data