Sales Engineer

Apply here About Delft Circuits Delft Circuits is at the forefront of quantum technology, providing innovative high-tech cabling solutions that help accelerate the industry. Since 2017, we design, develop and manufacture our products inhouse and have customers all over the world. We are a diverse group of 40+ scientists, engineers and business minded people. We […]

Flexible cryogenic wiring for Single Photon Detection experiment

Filippo Martinelli Doctoral Student at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Delft Circuits Cri/oFlex® wiring is helping to bring Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detectors to the next level. Together with the Centre for Disruptive Photonic Technologies (CDPT) of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, Delft Circuits has established a new solution to increase the density of high-frequency signal […]

Global Sales manager

Apply here About Delft Circuits Delft Circuits is at the forefront of quantum technology, providing innovative high-tech cabling solutions that help accelerate the industry. Since 2017, we design, develop and manufacture our products inhouse and have customers all over the world. We are a diverse group of 40+ scientists, engineers and business minded people. We […]

From lab to fab in 12 months

general crioflex background image

Sal Jua Bosman, CEO – founder Delft Circuits Exciting News: From Lab to Fab in 12 months I think that, by now, the world has seen a lot of activity from Delft Circuits. As Founder and CEO, I can’t tell you how excited I am. I have been waiting to share this story with you […]