Software and Calibration

Digital blueprints of your i/o solutions

Cri/oSuiteTM – electrical & thermal analysis

Cri/oSuiteTM is a comprehensive software suite to design, analyse and characterise any cryogenic i/o system. With an expansive library of simulation models and algorithms, it can predict the signal, noise and heat flow through a cryogenic chain over the full temperature range. It can handle a variety of cryogenic system configurations, with coaxial and flexible transmission lines and many (microwave) components, to simulate the active and passive heat load, noise levels and expected pulse shapes and levels in each i/o chain. The suite can present its results both in time and frequency domains and can handle arbitrary circuits with (microwave) components. Analytical (temperature-dependent) models and measured data can be mixed to specify arbitrary circuits.Next to design and analysis, it enables the user to process Vector Network Analyser (VNA) measurements and to shift the reference plane of your measurements to arbitrary locations via de-embedding and/or calibration. The Cri/oSuiteTM technology is initially available through our design engineering services, whereby Delft Circuits assists in the design and analysis of the i/o configuration of the customer.

Mechanical design

Another important part of the design flow is the mechanical aspects of this system. We can provide a full 3D visualization of the system. All thermal clamps, brackets, and mounting components will be designed to achieve the best available thermalization for your application.


Cri/oSuiteTM example - Power dissipation

To account for the thermal properties of your cryogenic i/o, we have included thermal conduction models, as well as local heating models due to power dissipation. Given a specific temperature profile in a cryostat, we can model the expected temperatures of the Cri/oFlex®, and other components, as well as the expected heat load at each stage. In the example Cri/oFlex® configuration (fig. below), we show the simulated expected dissipative heat load for each segment between cryostat stages. The power dissipation from the baseband pulse generated by room-temperature electronics depends heavily on the components and the signal power. In this example, the attenuator dissipates by far the most power, and should therefore be positioned at a location where the cryostat has sufficient cooling power. Performing these simulations allows our engineers to optimize a desired i/o chain to the customer’s needs.